How do you distribute open-source hardware effectively with low-overhead?

Especially when there is little in house entrepreneurial expertise, and when the people bandwidth for this endeavour is limited.



I’m really excited about this recent announcement from IORodeo concerning the sale of OpenFlexure Microscope v7 kits:

I’ve been really impressed with OpenFlexure, and even took the “plunge” of sourcing the various components for a Delta Stage Microscope. Seeing the pieces sold altogether as kits through IORodeo, and seeing the collaboration between IORodeo and OpenFlexure is really encouraging! This also brought to my attention the Open Science Shop:

I’m really curious to know tips and recommendations for stocking and distributing these kinds of kits. There is also which is based in Germany (I’ve bought a number of items from their store). When I’ve been asking about the potential for new items, I haven’t gotten a response yet. Likewise, it seems to be a bit more “hands-off”. I.e., it really depends on how well-documented the original project is.

EDIT: The following blog post is relevant:

Hi Sterling, thanks for highlighting IO Rodeo’s collaboration with OpenFlexure! This work came about through the wider Open Science Shop community. Its has been a really fun collaboration for sure. Our hope is that access to the commercial kits will increase the number of people building and using the open hardware OpenFlexure Microscopes!

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