Do you use existing standards/general purpose infrastructure? Do you contribute to standards/general purpose infrastructure?

Discussion Theme 2: Community Building, Goal Alignment, Calibration, and Shared Standards

  • Group 1:

    • Standard features appreciated in the community:
      • Modularity (e.g., numpy)
      • Separation of science from UI
      • Good documentation, like IKEA or Prusa
      • Standard structure in code and well-organized code bases
  • Group 2:

    • Using and contributing to standards:
      • Software: AC microcourses on software development
      • Comparisons between Solidworks, Fusion 360, OnShape, and freecad
      • Examples of software decisions based on functionality and market competition (e.g., Inkscape vs. Illustrator)
  • Group 3:

    • Considerations on standards based on 3D printing and open hardware communities
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I’m curious if anyone is leveraging SiLA 2 automation standard for SDLs. The origin of the standard seems to be for life sciences but appears to support a lot of lab/robotics hardware.

Also has a good amount of programming language support: python, javascript, C++.

If anyone knows of any tutorials or workshop material using SiLA 2 with emphasis towards materials and chemicals, I’d be interested. Also what are some of the downsides and challenges?

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The Matter Lab has implemented SiLA 2 here: ChemOS 2.0: An orchestration architecture for chemical self-driving laboratories. I’m also interested in implementing the standard, but it’s further down the road for us.

I’d be curious to get a more in-depth comparison of SiLA2 & MQTT for instrument control or orchestration from @sgbaird or one of the authors of the ChemOS 2.0 paper.

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