Notes from Sterling:
About Jubilee
- Use of JSON to represent science Jubilee objects
- Use of Opentrons specifications and labware library (what about protocol library? Protocol Library - Opentrons)
- Black tape beneath deck to enhance contrast through wellplates
- Use of water and paint instead of food coloring (food dye too transparent)
- Can enhance precision through calibration similar to Opentrons, which is done on a per module basis right now. Definitely some potential to use AprilTags here so regular calibration isn’t needed
- What about an actual Rob Ross demo? (i.e., “smearing” the tip as you’re dispensing)
- Strong suggestion to move to ethernet (even if it’s just ethernet directly to a router) instead of the WiFi version of the Duet hardware
- Raspberry Pi version is simply a replacement for the usual computer you’d use, just with limitation of computational power. For me, this probably means I will add a Raspberry Pi (with the ribbon connector that’s required), and then create a science_jubilee MQTT communication API/interface (xref: Using MQTT to interface with hardware, cameras etc, streamlit UI - 🦄 Random - Streamlit) of some kind such that I can pip install science_jubilee on a local machine and install the control API on the RPi 4B. This is very similar to what I’m doing with Pioreactor, but I’ll be building the MQTT schema from scratch. In this case, it’s probably worth getting an ethernet version of the Duet (at the very least to have available during prototyping).