Making the MyCobot 280 accessible over MQTT in a Hugging face space

The myCobot 280pi is a 6 DoF robotic arm with gripper and camera attachment. I have been working on using the MQTT protocol with HiveMQ to make it available over the internet.

The hugging face space has functions for control the arm and querying it’s current position. The arm can also take images with the camera and send them back to the space.

currently instructions can be send by any user in any order and the arm will execute them one by one. I am working on temporary action token generation and possibly action recording/command list functionality.

See the relevant AC Training Lab GitHub issues for more context:

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Also, here is one of the older videos that @yangcyril.cao recorded prior to @gursimar-singh 's great work, where he implemented a vial transfer workflow between two stations.