[ported from Workflow orchestration - what goes where? · sparks-baird/self-driving-lab-demo · Discussion #233 · GitHub]
Let’s take the case of using a Bayesian optimizer with a workflow orchestration package. Assuming Ax as the BO package and Prefect as the workflow orchestration, with the following minimal working examples:
from ax.service.ax_client import AxClient
from ax.utils.measurement.synthetic_functions import branin
ax_client = AxClient()
{"name": "x1", "type": "range", "bounds": [-5.0, 10.0]},
{"name": "x2", "type": "range", "bounds": [0.0, 10.0]},
for _ in range(15):
parameters, trial_index = ax_client.get_next_trial()
results = branin(parameters["x1"], parameters["x2"])
ax_client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=results)
best_parameters, metrics = ax_client.get_best_parameters()
import httpx
from prefect import flow, task
def get_repo_info(repo_owner: str, repo_name: str):
"""Get info about a repo - will retry twice after failing"""
url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}"
api_response = httpx.get(url)
repo_info = api_response.json()
return repo_info
def get_contributors(repo_info: dict):
"""Get contributors for a repo"""
contributors_url = repo_info["contributors_url"]
response = httpx.get(contributors_url)
contributors = response.json()
return contributors
def repo_info(repo_owner: str = "PrefectHQ", repo_name: str = "prefect"):
Given a GitHub repository, logs the number of stargazers
and contributors for that repo.
repo_info = get_repo_info(repo_owner, repo_name)
print(f"Stars 🌠 : {repo_info['stargazers_count']}")
contributors = get_contributors(repo_info)
print(f"Number of contributors 👷: {len(contributors)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
and knowing that Prefect has a UI and offers a free-tier Prefect managed server, where does Ax fit within Prefect, and vice-versa? At a higher level, this depends on how a user is going to interact with the system (oversight, maintenance, cooperation, etc.). It is also important to consider more complex cases, such as when asynchronous evaluations come into play, or the Prefect managed server doesn’t have the computational power required to build the BO models.
It gets more complex when we start thinking about how hardware/software communication and data management plays into this (e.g., MQTT and MongoDB). For example, the Ax script could be modified to pull all pertinent data from a database before suggesting the next experiment. The hardware/software communication is relatively straightforward; after an experiment has been suggested, the function that runs the experiment is the one that communicates with the hardware.
Ax has its own implementation of interacting with SQL databases, and I struggled with whether to use MongoDB or a SQL solution that would be directly compatible with Ax. Even now, I still think my leaning towards MongoDB is a reasonable decision because of the free-tier and the flexible schema.
Some questions:
- How does someone ensure that all the desired data is available to the decision-making algorithm, even when there are start/stops?
- What happens when the BO workflow involves batches and/or asynchrony? What still happens within Ax vs. within Prefect?
- Would it make sense to use the Prefect
decorator on existing Ax functions (i.e., use decorators functionally viatask(some_ax_function)
)? What happens when this is a class method? (ax_client.get_next_trial
) (NOTE: the recommendation seems to be to use a new class with inheritance) - What typically happens directly leading up to the start of a campaign and immediately after the end of a campaign for a user? (seems to usually be “OK, the campaign is finished, let’s focus on writing up a paper and submitting to a high-impact journal”)
- What happens if during the middle of a campaign, a user decides something should be changed? (the action of which also implies it’s not longer “autonomous”). How should this mid-campaign change history be stored? (probably by logging the full states of things back to a database). It may be prudent to periodically use Ax’s built-in SQL storage (separate from and in addition to MongoDB) via a Prefect trigger. A start/stop necessitates something at the beginning of the script that picks up wherever it was left off at in terms of existing data
- How does a user specify what data to grab and how to store it? (e.g., allowing users to customize a filter statement as well as other db info like collection name and such)
Ax also has a Scheduler API, for which there is some overlap with Prefect (scheduling to external systems, resuming from a database backend). Typically I’ve avoided the Scheduler API because it’s quite a bit more complicated than the Service API.
Guiding principles
- Modular is better than integrated, usually
- Favor modular approaches that are individually exceptional over using an integrated approach that is inflexible
- Forever free-tier services are a big plus
- Forever free-tiers with generous limits based on open source implementations are preferred, even if the pro versions are more expensive than counterparts
- Think “cloud experimentation”
- When making design decisions, act as if this is going to become part of a delocalized global network of SDLs
- Pure Python is better than mixed
- By using tools that are based on Python, it becomes easier to understand, customize, and modify the tool (e.g., easy switching between code and UI)
(mildly and somewhat jokingly based on the language style in the Zen of Python)
Aside: consider how/whether Ray would fit into the stack (and also how Python queues with MQTT might help simplify/reduce some of the complexity of running AxClient, i.e., using the queue’s get()
method and keeping the trial data handy to then pass to complete_trial
Persistent data/history
Does it allow for persistent storing of workflow data? (E.g., what is the data retention policy. Prefect Cloud is 7 days for flow run history, self-hosted Prefect is linked back to a database specified by the user operated)
With Prefect, I might be able to send history/logs to MongoDB or similar. See logging (Prefect docs), how to stream prefect logs to a file and flow-runs.flow_run_history
. Here is a thread about this from Prefect 1 (old API).
- Hey there for the run history how long it keeps the logs If Prefect Community #ask-community
- Introduction - Prefect
- Hey there for the run history how long it keeps the logs If Prefect Community #ask-community
- Configure logging - Prefect
- python - Prefect workflow: How to persist data of previous/every schedule run? - Stack Overflow
Does it allow for manual input/interaction from users? See Write and run flows - Prefect for example and Introduction - Prefect. See also this Jan 30, 2024 blog post: Unveiling Interactive Workflows. This is really key for almost fully autonomous workflows, I think
from prefect import flow, get_run_logger, pause_flow_run
from prefect.input import RunInput
class UserNameInput(RunInput):
name: str
async def greet_user():
logger = get_run_logger()
user_input = await pause_flow_run(
logger.info(f"Hello, {user_input.name}!")
Pause/resume and cancel/restart
Does it allow for smooth restarts, where it can cache results prior to the failed step, so it doesn’t have to be recalculated? (See Write and run tasks - Prefect)
from datetime import timedelta
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.tasks import task_input_hash
@task(cache_key_fn=task_input_hash, cache_expiration=timedelta(days=1))
def hello_task(name_input):
# Doing some work
print("Saying hello")
return "hello " + name_input
def hello_flow(name_input):
Avoiding accidental spending
- Does it have safeguards against unintentionally using up too much? (See Write and run tasks - Prefect)
from prefect import task, get_run_logger
import time
def show_timeouts():
logger = get_run_logger()
logger.info("I will execute")
logger.info("I will not execute")
Does it have the ability to specify conditions/dependencies (i.e., when/without needing to pass info back and forth between them)? Write and run tasks - Prefect
def task_1():
def task_2():
def my_flow():
x = task_1()
# task 2 will wait for task_1 to complete
y = task_2(wait_for=[x])
Visualizing workflows
How to handle visualizing dynamic workflows? See visualizing flow structure and mapping (i.e., like a for loop, but where there’s no interaction between iterations, and can be handled by Prefect natively I think)
Aside: Native support for await and async (see a general explanation in the context of wetlab experiments)
See also PrefectHQ/prefect · Discussions · GitHub.
Free-tier hosting and long runs
Does it come with free-tier hosting? Does it allow for long-running executions (i.e., like a Bayesian optimization script that can run for weeks).
Integrations with cloud providers
AWS, Google Cloud, etc.
As an aside, it’s nice that Prefect allows you to submit work to certain cloud providers without having to have a separate worker for it. Not exactly sure how this plays with the expiration limits on flow runs. If it shows up as a flow run, then it’s still limited to the 7 or 14 days.