Using a SquidStat Solo for electrophotocatalysis experiments in plastic recycling

@nipun.0092 (AC staff scientist in Polymer lab) tested out the training lab’s SquidStat Solo potentiostat. Here is some feedback from the usage.

  1. The GUI is relatively simple to use, and the potentiostat has a decent compliance limit. The GUI has quite a few quality-of-life options, like setting hard limits on the allowed voltage and current range to prevent side reactions to things from going awry
  2. The form factor of the potentiostat is small, and that makes it relatively adaptable to confined spaces
  3. The squidstat can support most measurements that one might require
  4. Exporting data is quite simple

I’ve not tried data analysis with the GUI, so I can’t talk about that yet

It’s being tested with a photoreactor setup created by @OwenMelville (see How to make a photo-reactor?) for some photoelectrocatalysis experiments:

Credit to @nisfisker for recommending squidstat. The polymer lab has later plans for using it with the Python API, which @nisfisker has done on many an occasion.

See the video below: